One way I know I will use a blog is to increase parent involvement. Creating a blog that contains a syllabus, course expectations, due dates, class activities, etc. gives parents the ability to read the blog and have a better understanding as to how their child spent their class time. Outreach and accountability can then be performed by the parents in ensuring that their students are indeed completing their homework because there will be an online link to due dates for assignments. Ideally, if parents are in the know as to how much work their child has and when it is due, they can monitor that homework is being completed.
The blog not only serves the parent in terms of staying connected, but will also be useful for students should they misplace their syllabus. Access to assignments can then be accessed through the hard copy that is passed out in class, or from a home/school/library computer. If students were completing their assignment and had a question, posting a comment would send me an email and give me an opportunity to respond; in this sense the student has access to my help both inside the classroom and out.
Encouraging students to check the blog frequently also gives students the opportunity to respond to their peer's questions. If I did not respond in a timely manner, perhaps another student could provide insight into the question. This element of helping one another provides a further extension of the classroom community and builds relationships between students.
Although the following article is short, the interviewed professor makes a great point that learning through blogs removes the "spatial constraints" of the classroom. Students have the ability to get comfortable in their environment, review information at their own pace, and have time to reflect on the material that was discussed in class. I think it is also notable that this article was written in 2006; evidently blogging has been utilized in the classrooms as an effective teaching method for the last five years, which was new information to me.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Consider contributing your last paragraph info to the class.